
This commit is contained in:
ProjectKoi-Kalo\Kalo 2024-09-15 13:38:32 +08:00
parent 9be9269503
commit 2c478b0e20
11 changed files with 467 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
d_rg_tempest_storm_1 = {
is_for_colonizable = yes
icon = d_fractal_seed
category = deposit_cat_rare
resources = {
category = planet_deposits
produces = {
nanites = 5
planet_modifier = {
district_mining_max = -2
potential = { always = no }
d_rg_tempest_storm_2 = {
is_for_colonizable = yes
icon = d_fractal_seed
category = deposit_cat_rare
resources = {
category = planet_deposits
produces = {
nanites = 9
planet_modifier = {
district_mining_max = -3
potential = { always = no }
d_rg_tempest_storm_3 = {
is_for_colonizable = yes
icon = d_fractal_seed
category = deposit_cat_rare
resources = {
category = planet_deposits
produces = {
nanites = 15
planet_modifier = {
pop_happiness = -1
district_mining_max = -5
potential = { always = no }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
rg_tempest_invocator = {
activation_duration = @triumph_duration
portrait = "GFX_relic_the_tempest_exsoulcillator"
sound = "relic_activation_vultaum_real_perforator"
resources = {
category = relics
# Activation cost
cost = {
energy = 0
triggered_country_modifier = {
potential = {
always = yes
country_unity_produces_mult = 0.1
ships_upkeep_mult = -0.15
active_effect = {
# custom_tooltip = r_the_tempest_invocator_active_effect_tt
set_country_flag = "started_placing_storm"
start_storm_area_placing = {
sacrifice_leader_with_ui = no
cosmic_storm = graytempest_storm
immediate = yes
reticle_radius = {
base = 100
modifier = {
mult = value:storm_area_placing_reticle_radius_multiplier
max_range = {
base = 1500
modifier = {
mult = value:storm_area_placing_max_range_multiplier
on_confirm = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = tempest_invocator_active_modifier
days = 3600
custom_tooltip = relic_triumph_cooldown
hidden_effect = {
add_modifier = {
modifier = "relic_activation_cooldown"
days = @triumph_duration
set_country_flag = used_tempest_invocator_relic_achievement
remove_country_flag = "started_placing_storm"
on_cancel = {
add_resource = {
energy = 0
remove_country_flag = "started_placing_storm"
# Possible check for activation
possible = {
inline_script = {
script = relics/activation_checks
RELIC = r_the_tempest_invocator
custom_tooltip = {
fail_text = r_the_tempest_invocator_started_placing_fail_tt
NOT = { has_country_flag = "started_placing_storm" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
rg_storm_relic_add = {
add_relic = rg_tempest_invocator
graytempest_storm_add = {
set_star_flag = storm_system
set_global_flag = cosmic_storm_has_occurred
inline_script = {
script = cosmic_storms/StormVisuals
STORM_NAME = "graytempest_storm"
graytempest_storm_remove = {
remove_storm_visuals_effect = yes
remove_star_flag = storm_system
graytempest_storm_apply_aftermath_modifier = yes
graytempest_storm_apply_deposits = yes
graytempest_storm_apply_aftermath_modifier = {
every_system_planet = {
limit = {
OR = {
is_colonizable = yes
is_colony = yes
storm_apply_aftermath_modifier = {
severity = {
modifier = "graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_1"
days = @Severity1Duration
chance = {
base = @Severity1BaseChance
modifier = {
factor = 0
OR = {
has_modifier = "graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_2"
has_modifier = "graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_3"
modifier = {
factor = $FactorSev1|1$
severity = {
modifier = "graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_2"
days = @Severity2Duration
chance = {
base = @Severity2BaseChance
modifier = {
factor = 0
has_modifier = "graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_3"
modifier = {
factor = $FactorSev2|1$
severity = {
modifier = "graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_3"
days = @Severity3Duration
chance = {
base = @Severity3BaseChance
modifier = {
factor = $FactorSev3|1$
if = {
limit = { is_colony = yes }
owner = {
create_message = {
days = @toast_important_message_days
target = prev
variable = {
type = name
localization = PLANET
scope = prev
custom_toast_content_text = tempest_storm_aftermath_custom_desc
graytempests_storm_apply_deposits = {
every_system_planet = {
limit = {
OR = {
is_colonizable = yes
is_colony = yes
is_artificial = no
NOR = {
has_deposit = d_rg_tempest_storm_1
has_deposit = d_rg_tempest_storm_2
has_deposit = d_rg_tempest_storm_3
random_list = {
80 = {}
20 = {
random_list = {
30 = { add_deposit = d_rg_tempest_storm_1 }
30 = { add_deposit = d_rg_tempest_storm_2 }
30 = { add_deposit = d_rg_tempest_storm_3 }
if = {
limit = {
has_owner = yes
planet_event = { id = cstorms.8000 }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_1 = {
planet_stability_add = -5
planet_building_build_speed_mult = -1
custom_tooltip = graytempest_storm_aftermath_1_tt
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/planet_modifiers/"
icon_frame = 2
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_2 = {
planet_stability_add = -10
planet_building_build_speed_mult = -2
custom_tooltip = graytempest_storm_aftermath_2_tt
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/planet_modifiers/"
icon_frame = 2
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_3 = {
planet_stability_add = -20
planet_building_build_speed_mult = -10
custom_tooltip = graytempest_storm_aftermath_3_tt
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/planet_modifiers/"
icon_frame = 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# graytempest Storm Type
graytempest_storm = {
inline_script = "cosmic_storms/BaseModifier"
inline_script = {
script = "cosmic_storms/StormConfig"
MIN_RANGE = value:storm_range_min
MAX_RANGE = value:storm_range_max
affect_hp_regen = yes
affect_armor_regen = yes
spawn_weight = 0
description = graytempest_storm_lore_description
### positive effects ###
triggered_planet_modifier = {
potential = {
OR = {
is_colony = yes
is_colonizable = yes
system_has_negating_storm_building = no
modifier = {
planet_building_build_speed_mult = 10
planet_clear_blocker_speed_mult = 10
custom_tooltip = graytempest_storm_fleet_tt
show_only_custom_tooltip = no
triggered_system_modifier = {
potential = {
system_has_negating_storm_building = no
modifier = {
starbase_shipyard_build_speed_mult = 10
### negative effects ###
triggered_planet_modifier = {
potential = {
is_colony = no
system_has_negating_storm_building = no
modifier = {
stations_upkeep_mult = 2
triggered_fleet_modifier = {
potential = {
always = yes
modifier = {
ships_upkeep_mult = 2
custom_tooltip = graytempest_storm_fleet_tt
show_only_custom_tooltip = no
on_start = {
every_system_within_storm = {
added_to_storm_base_effect = yes
graytempest_storm_add = yes
on_finished = {
every_system_within_storm = {
removed_from_storm_base_effect = yes
graytempest_storm_remove = yes
on_moved = {
every_system_added_to_storm = {
added_to_storm_base_effect = yes
graytempest_storm_add = yes
every_system_removed_from_storm= {
removed_from_storm_base_effect = yes
graytempest_storm_remove = yes
cosmic_storm_texture_path = "gfx/map/storms/"
cosmic_storm_texture_color_path = "gfx/map/storms/"
cosmic_storm_event_sprite = "GFX_particle_storm"
icon = GFX_planetview_storm_particle_modifier_frame
cosmic_storm_texture_lightning_paths = {
cosmic_storm_galaxy_lightning_time = 7.0
cosmic_storm_galaxy_max_opacity = 0.4

View File

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ tags={
name="Real Gray"

View File

@ -193,6 +193,14 @@ country_event = {
garrison = yes
every_system = {
limit = {
has_star_flag = lgate
system_event = {
id = rg_storms.1
every_system = {
limit = {
has_star_flag = lcluster

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
namespace = rg_storms
system_event = {
id = rg_storms.1
hide_window = yes
is_triggered_only = yes
trigger = {
NOT = {
has_star_flag = storm_system
immediate = {
create_cosmic_storm = {
type = graytempest_storm
immediate = yes
cosmic_storm_start_position = this

Binary file not shown.

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@ -31,6 +31,35 @@
preset_rg_scion: "§Y誓约计划国§!"
preset_rg_scion_desc: "出于某种不可告人的目的,远古堕落帝国将其视若己出。他们的远古宗主不会允许其誓约国受到任何外部干扰。"
rg_tempest_invocator: "灰蛊核心"
graytempest_storm: "灰蛊风暴"
graytempest_storm_desc: "一群从L-星团中喷涌而出纳米机器对于整个星系的生命体都是威胁。它们数量巨大但尚未完全成型,形成严重的风暴席卷星系。由于纳米机器的自复制特性这种风暴能持续数十年之久。"
graytempest_storm_color_tooltip: "§Y$graytempest_storm$§!"
graytempest_storm_lore_description: "§L一场极强的$graytempest_storm$将威胁该星系,对行星造成破坏。为了生命安全务必寻找庇护!§!"
graytempest_storm_fleet_tt: "—$MOD_SHIP_HULL_REGEN_ADD_PERC$、$MOD_SHIP_ARMOR_REGEN_ADD_PERC$对舰船和空间站§R禁用§!。\n—拥有$@storm_hp_perc_limit|0Y%$$HITPOINTS$的舰船和空间站每月遭受§R$@storm_monthly_dmg_low|0$§!伤害。\n—$@storm_hp_perc_limit|0Y%$$HITPOINTS$以下的舰船产出§G+$@particle_storm_unity_per_ship|0$§!£unity£$unity$。"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier: "灰色浪潮"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_tooltip: "$STORM_AFTERMATH_DESC$\n$t$—§H$graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier$§!:\n$tt$—§R-100%§!~§R-?%§!$MOD_PLANET_BUILDING_BUILD_SPEED_MULT$\n$tt$—§R-5§!~§R-?§!$PLANET_STABILITY_TITLE$\n"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_desc: "$graytempest_storm$席卷一切挡路之物,祂们喜怒无常随意破坏,这会造成严重的损伤。然而,当尘埃落定后我们可以回收一部分纳米机器。"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_1: "余波:$graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier$"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_1_desc: "$graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_desc$"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_2: "余波§H严重§!$graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier$"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_2_desc: "$graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_desc$"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_3: "余波§R严重§!$graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier$"
graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_3_desc: "$graytempest_storm_aftermath_modifier_severity_desc$"
tempest_storm_aftermath_custom_desc: "§Y$graytempest_storm$§!在整颗星球上留下了遍地的纳米机器,它们暂时进入了休眠状态。"
d_rg_tempest_storm_1: "纳米沙丘"
d_rg_tempest_storm_1_desc: "一场毁灭性的纳米机器风暴席卷了这个世界。在它的余威中留下了一个孤独的灰色沙丘。"
d_rg_tempest_storm_2: "纳米沙海"
d_rg_tempest_storm_2_desc: "一场毁灭性的纳米机器风暴席卷了这个世界。在它的余威中留下了一片涌动的灰色沙海。"
d_rg_tempest_storm_3: "纳米浪潮"
d_rg_tempest_storm_3_desc: "一场毁灭性的纳米机器风暴席卷了这个世界。这个世界仍然在纳米机器的席卷中沸腾哀号。"

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