namespace = distar # Technology available upon gaining all insights country_event = { id = distar.10904 title = "" desc = { text = "distar.10904.desc" trigger = { NOR = { has_origin = origin_rg_gray } } } desc = { text = "distar.10904.desc" trigger = { OR = { has_origin = origin_rg_gray } } } picture = GFX_evt_drifting_gateway show_sound = event_mystic_reveal is_triggered_only = yes immediate = { observer_event = { id = observer.61 } } option = { name = GOOD if = { # You can only research to open it if it has not been opened already limit = { can_research_technology = tech_lgate_activation } add_research_option = tech_lgate_activation } } } # Project available country_event = { id = distar.10905 title = "" desc = { text = "distar.10905.desc" trigger = { NOR = { has_origin = origin_rg_gray } } } desc = { text = "distar.10905.desc" trigger = { OR = { has_origin = origin_rg_gray } } } picture = GFX_evt_drifting_gateway show_sound = event_mystic_reveal location = event_target:candidate_gateway is_triggered_only = yes immediate = { end_event_chain = "l_cluster_chain" event_target:candidate_gateway = { solar_system = { save_event_target_as = candidate_gateway_system } } } option = { name = "distar.10905.a" event_target:candidate_gateway = { enable_special_project = { name = RG_LCLUSTER_PROJECT location = this } } } } # Abandoned Cluster Found country_event = { id = distar.10951 title = "" desc = "distar.10951.desc" picture = GFX_evt_l-gateway show_sound = event_activating_unknown_technology location = event_target:candidate_gateway is_triggered_only = yes immediate = { country_event = { id = distar.11000 } every_playable_country = { limit = { has_special_project = RG_LCLUSTER_PROJECT NOT = { is_same_value = root } } country_event = { id = distar.10952 } } every_playable_country = { limit = { NOR = { has_event_chain = l_cluster_chain has_special_project = RG_LCLUSTER_PROJECT is_same_value = root } } country_event = { id = distar.10954 } } every_playable_country = { limit = { NOR = { has_special_project = RG_LCLUSTER_PROJECT is_same_value = root } has_event_chain = l_cluster_chain } country_event = { id = distar.10953 } } observer_event = { id = observer.62 } } option = { name = "distar.10951.a" } } # Research Project Aborted country_event = { id = distar.10952 title = "" desc = "distar.10952.desc" picture = GFX_evt_glitchy_matrix show_sound = event_alien_signal is_triggered_only = yes immediate = { abort_special_project = { type = RG_LCLUSTER_PROJECT } } option = { name = "distar.10952.a" } } # Informed about AI being close to opening L-Gate (HIDDEN) event = { id = distar.10955 hide_window = yes is_triggered_only = yes trigger = { any_playable_country = { is_ai = no OR = { has_event_chain = l_cluster_chain has_special_project = RG_LCLUSTER_PROJECT } any_relation = { is_country_type = default has_communications = prev has_event_chain = l_cluster_chain NOT = { has_country_flag = lgate_warned@prev } check_variable = { which = num_lcluster_clues value > 5 } any_owned_megastructure = { is_megastructure_type = lgate_base } } } } immediate = { random_playable_country = { limit = { is_ai = no OR = { has_event_chain = l_cluster_chain has_special_project = RG_LCLUSTER_PROJECT } any_relation = { is_country_type = default has_communications = prev has_event_chain = l_cluster_chain NOT = { has_country_flag = lgate_warned@prev } check_variable = { which = num_lcluster_clues value > 5 } any_owned_megastructure = { is_megastructure_type = lgate_base } } } random_relation = { limit = { is_country_type = default has_communications = prev has_event_chain = l_cluster_chain NOT = { has_country_flag = lgate_warned@prev } check_variable = { which = num_lcluster_clues value > 5 } any_owned_megastructure = { is_megastructure_type = lgate_base } } save_event_target_as = lgate_warning_country set_country_flag = lgate_warned@prev } country_event = { id = distar.10956 } } } }