utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Interdictor_FISSION_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_1" icon_frame = 1 power = 1550 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 80 } upkeep = { energy = 0.8 alloys = 0.08 } } prerequisites = { "tech_fission_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Interdictor_FUSION_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 1 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Interdictor_FUSION_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_2" icon_frame = 1 power = 1720 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 104 } upkeep = { energy = 1.04 alloys = 0.104 } } prerequisites = { "tech_fusion_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Interdictor_COLD_FUSION_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 2 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Interdictor_COLD_FUSION_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_3" icon_frame = 1 power = 1950 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 136 } upkeep = { energy = 1.35 alloys = 0.135 } } prerequisites = { "tech_cold_fusion_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Interdictor_ANTIMATTER_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 3 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Interdictor_ANTIMATTER_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_4" icon_frame = 1 power = 2250 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 176 } upkeep = { energy = 1.76 alloys = 0.176 } } prerequisites = { "tech_antimatter_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Interdictor_ZERO_POINT_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 4 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Interdictor_ZERO_POINT_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_5" icon_frame = 1 power = 2550 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 196 } upkeep = { energy = 2.29 alloys = 0.229 } } prerequisites = { "tech_zero_point_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } upgrades_to = "RG_Interdictor_DARK_MATTER_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 5 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Interdictor_DARK_MATTER_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_dark_matter_power_core" icon_frame = 1 power = 3000 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 296 sr_dark_matter = 8 } upkeep = { energy = 2.98 alloys = 0.298 } } prerequisites = { "tech_dark_matter_power_core" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } ai_weight = { weight = 6 modifier = { factor = 0 no_resource_for_component = { RESOURCE = sr_dark_matter } } } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Mothership_FISSION_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_1" icon_frame = 1 power = 7700 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 44.8 } upkeep = { energy = 0.458 alloys = 0.045 } } prerequisites = { "tech_fission_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Mothership_FUSION_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 1 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Mothership_FUSION_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_2" icon_frame = 1 power = 15400 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 89.6 } upkeep = { energy = 0.92 alloys = 0.09 } } prerequisites = { "tech_fusion_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Mothership_COLD_FUSION_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 2 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Mothership_COLD_FUSION_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_3" icon_frame = 1 power = 23100 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 134 } upkeep = { energy = 1.37 alloys = 0.137 } } prerequisites = { "tech_cold_fusion_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Mothership_ANTIMATTER_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 3 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Mothership_ANTIMATTER_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_4" icon_frame = 1 power = 30800 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 179 } upkeep = { energy = 1.83 alloys = 0.183 } } prerequisites = { "tech_antimatter_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Mothership_ZERO_POINT_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 4 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Mothership_ZERO_POINT_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_5" icon_frame = 1 power = 38500 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 224 } upkeep = { energy = 2.29 alloys = 0.229 } } prerequisites = { "tech_zero_point_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } upgrades_to = "RG_Mothership_DARK_MATTER_REACTOR" ai_weight = { weight = 5 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Mothership_DARK_MATTER_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_dark_matter_power_core" icon_frame = 1 power = resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 296 sr_dark_matter = 8 } upkeep = { energy = 2.98 alloys = 0.298 } } prerequisites = { "tech_dark_matter_power_core" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } ai_weight = { weight = 6 modifier = { factor = 0 no_resource_for_component = { RESOURCE = sr_dark_matter } } } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Arsenal_FISSION_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_reactor_1" icon_frame = 1 power = 500 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 80 } upkeep = { energy = 0.8 alloys = 0.08 } } prerequisites = { "tech_gray_matter_spray_5" } component_set = "power_core" upgrades_to = "RG_Arsenal_FUSION_NANO_REACTOR" size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Arsenal } ai_weight = { weight = 1 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_Arsenal_FUSION_NANO_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_gray_reactor" icon_frame = 1 power = 600 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 80 nanties = 2 } upkeep = { energy = 0.8 } } component_set = "power_core" prerequisites = { "tech_gray_nano_fusion_3" } tags = { weapon_type_rg_reactor } size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Arsenal } ai_weight = { weight = 0 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_SHIP_THRUSTER_1" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_thruster_1" icon_frame = 1 power = @battleship_power_1 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 80 } } modifier = { } prerequisites = { "tech_thrusters_1" } component_set = "thruster_components" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } upgrades_to = "BATTLESHIP_SHIP_THRUSTER_2" ai_weight = { weight = 1 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_SHIP_THRUSTER_2" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_thruster_2" icon_frame = 1 power = @battleship_power_2 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 107 } } modifier = { ship_base_speed_mult = 0.25 ship_evasion_add = 2 } prerequisites = { "tech_thrusters_2" } component_set = "thruster_components" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } upgrades_to = "BATTLESHIP_SHIP_THRUSTER_3" ai_weight = { weight = 2 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_SHIP_THRUSTER_3" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_thruster_3" icon_frame = 1 power = @battleship_power_3 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 136 } } modifier = { ship_base_speed_mult = 0.5 ship_evasion_add = 4 } prerequisites = { "tech_thrusters_3" } component_set = "thruster_components" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } upgrades_to = "BATTLESHIP_SHIP_THRUSTER_4" ai_weight = { weight = 3 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_SHIP_THRUSTER_4" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_thruster_4" icon_frame = 1 power = @battleship_power_4 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 176 } } modifier = { ship_base_speed_mult = 0.75 ship_evasion_add = 6 } prerequisites = { "tech_thrusters_4" } component_set = "thruster_components" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } upgrades_to = "BATTLESHIP_SHIP_THRUSTER_5" ai_weight = { weight = 4 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_SHIP_THRUSTER_5" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_thruster_5" icon_frame = 1 power = @battleship_power_5 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 176 sr_dark_matter = 8 } } modifier = { ship_base_speed_mult = 1.25 ship_evasion_add = 8 } prerequisites = { "tech_dark_matter_propulsion" } component_set = "thruster_components" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } ai_weight = { weight = 5 modifier = { factor = 0 no_resource_for_component = { RESOURCE = sr_dark_matter } } } } #################### #原版部件 #################### weapon_component_template = { # World Cracker key = "RG_PLANET_KILLER_CRACKER" size = planet_killer type = planet_killer use_ship_kill_target = no prerequisites = { "tech_pk_cracker" } icon = GFX_ship_part_world_cracker icon_frame = 1 size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } component_set = "PLANET_KILLER_CRACKER" planet_destruction_gfx = "shatter_planet_gfx" } weapon_component_template = { # Pacifier key = "RG_PLANET_KILLER_SHIELDER" size = planet_killer type = planet_killer use_ship_kill_target = no prerequisites = { "tech_pk_shielder" } icon = GFX_ship_part_global_pacifier icon_frame = 1 size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } component_set = "PLANET_KILLER_SHIELDER" planet_destruction_gfx = "global_pacifier_gfx" } weapon_component_template = { # Neutron Beam key = "RG_PLANET_KILLER_NEUTRON" size = planet_killer type = planet_killer use_ship_kill_target = no prerequisites = { "tech_pk_neutron" } icon = GFX_ship_part_neutron_sweep icon_frame = 1 size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } component_set = "PLANET_KILLER_NEUTRON" planet_destruction_gfx = "neutron_planet_gfx" } weapon_component_template = { # God Ray key = "RG_PLANET_KILLER_GODRAY" size = planet_killer type = planet_killer use_ship_kill_target = no prerequisites = { "tech_pk_godray" } icon = GFX_ship_part_divine_enforcer icon_frame = 1 size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } component_set = "PLANET_KILLER_GODRAY" planet_destruction_gfx = "god_ray_gfx" } weapon_component_template = { # Nanobot Assimilation key = "RG_PLANET_KILLER_NANOBOTS" size = planet_killer type = planet_killer use_ship_kill_target = no prerequisites = { "tech_pk_nanobots" } icon = GFX_ship_part_nanobot_diffuser icon_frame = 1 size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } component_set = "PLANET_KILLER_NANOBOTS" planet_destruction_gfx = "assimilation_nanobots_gfx" } weapon_component_template = { # Deluge key = "RG_PLANET_KILLER_DELUGE" size = planet_killer type = planet_killer use_ship_kill_target = no valid_for_country = { has_ascension_perk = ap_hydrocentric } icon = GFX_ship_part_deluge icon_frame = 1 size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship } component_set = "PLANET_KILLER_DELUGE" planet_destruction_gfx = "planet_deluge_gfx" ai_weight = { factor = 10 } } #weapon_component_template = { # key = "RG_PLANET_KILLER_STAR_CRACKER" # size = planet_killer # type = planet_killer # use_ship_kill_target = no # can_destroy_stars = yes # # prerequisites = { "tech_btc_1" } # # icon = GFX_ship_part_nanobot_diffuser # icon_frame = 1 # # size_restriction = { RG_graygoo_Buff } # component_set = "PLANET_KILLER_STAR_CRACKER" # # planet_destruction_gfx = "star_destroyer_effect_gfx" #} #################### #舰R部件 #################### utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_wsg_alpha_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_wsg_alpha_REACTOR" icon_frame = 1 power = 4800 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { sr_alpha = 24 alloys = 120 } upkeep = { energy = 0.8 alloys = 0.5 } } prerequisites = { "tech_wsg_alpha_power" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } ai_weight = { weight = 5 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_SHIP_THRUSTER_WSG" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_thruster_wsg" icon_frame = 1 power = -300 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { sr_alpha = 6 alloys = 100 sr_dark_matter = 8 } } modifier = { ship_base_speed_mult = 1.35 ship_evasion_add = 12 } prerequisites = { "tech_wsg_alpha_propulsion" } component_set = "thruster_components" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } ai_weight = { weight = 5 modifier = { factor = 0 has_monthly_income = { resource = sr_dark_matter value <= 0 } } } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_sh_senergy_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_sh_senergy_REACTOR" icon_frame = 1 power = 4500 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { sr_se = 20 } upkeep = { energy = 0.5 alloys = 0.5 } } prerequisites = { "tech_sh_senergy_reactor" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } ai_weight = { weight = 5 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_SHIP_THRUSTER_SH" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_thruster_sh" icon_frame = 1 power = -300 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 100 sr_se = 12 } } modifier = { ship_base_speed_mult = 1.3 ship_evasion_add = 17 } prerequisites = { "tech_sh_propulsion" } component_set = "thruster_components" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } ai_weight = { weight = 5 modifier = { factor = 0 has_monthly_income = { resource = sr_se value <= 0 } } } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_wsg_senergy_REACTOR" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_wsg_senergy_REACTOR" icon_frame = 1 power = 4500 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { sr_se = 20 } upkeep = { energy = 0.5 alloys = 0.5 } } prerequisites = { "tech_wsg_senergy_reactor" } component_set = "power_core" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } ai_weight = { weight = 5 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_ID_WSG_SENERGY_SHIP_THRUSTER" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_wsg_senergy_thruster" icon_frame = 1 power = -300 resources = { category = ship_components cost = { alloys = 100 sr_se = 12 } } modifier = { ship_base_speed_mult = 1.3 ship_evasion_add = 17 } prerequisites = { "tech_wsg_senergy_propulsion" } component_set = "thruster_components" size_restriction = { RG_armed_science_ship RG_graygoo_destroyer RG_graygoo_interdictor RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_Arsenal RG_graygoo_mothership RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor } ai_weight = { weight = 5 modifier = { factor = 0 has_monthly_income = { resource = sr_se value <= 0 } } } } ####################################### # Science Ships and Observation Posts # ####################################### # These go in a unique ship component slot and are automatically # equipped when the relevant technology is researched. utility_component_template = { key = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_EMPTY" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_empty_ftl_drive" icon_frame = 1 power = 0 size_restriction = { RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_armed_science_ship RG_armed_constructor_ship RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_mothership } prerequisites = { } component_set = "science_cloaking_components" upgrades_to = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_1" ai_weight = { weight = 1 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_1" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_cloak_1" icon_frame = 1 power = 0 modifier = { ship_cloaking_strength_add = 1 } triggered_ship_modifier = { potential = { is_cloaked = yes } modifier = { ship_shield_reduction = 1 } } custom_tooltip = "CLOAKING_1_TOOLTIP" size_restriction = { RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_armed_science_ship RG_armed_constructor_ship RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_mothership } prerequisites = { "tech_cloaking_1" } component_set = "science_cloaking_components" upgrades_to = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_2" ai_weight = { weight = 5 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_2" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_cloak_2" icon_frame = 1 power = 0 modifier = { ship_cloaking_strength_add = 2 } triggered_ship_modifier = { potential = { is_cloaked = yes } modifier = { ship_shield_reduction = 1 } } custom_tooltip = "CLOAKING_2_TOOLTIP" size_restriction = { RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_armed_science_ship RG_armed_constructor_ship RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_mothership } prerequisites = { "tech_cloaking_2" } component_set = "science_cloaking_components" upgrades_to = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_3" ai_weight = { weight = 10 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_3" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_cloak_3" icon_frame = 1 power = 0 modifier = { ship_cloaking_strength_add = 3 } triggered_ship_modifier = { potential = { is_cloaked = yes } modifier = { ship_shield_reduction = 1 } } custom_tooltip = "CLOAKING_3_TOOLTIP" size_restriction = { RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_armed_science_ship RG_armed_constructor_ship RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_mothership } prerequisites = { "tech_cloaking_3" } component_set = "science_cloaking_components" upgrades_to = "RG_CIENCE_CLOAKING_DARK_MATTER" ai_weight = { weight = 15 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_DARK_MATTER" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_cloak_dark_matter" icon_frame = 1 power = 0 modifier = { ship_cloaking_strength_add = 4 } triggered_ship_modifier = { potential = { is_cloaked = yes } modifier = { ship_shield_reduction = 0.5 } } custom_tooltip = "CLOAKING_DARK_MATTER_TOOLTIP" size_restriction = { RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_armed_science_ship RG_armed_constructor_ship RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_mothership } prerequisites = { "tech_cloaking_dark_matter" } component_set = "science_cloaking_components" upgrades_to = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_PSI" ai_weight = { weight = 20 } } utility_component_template = { key = "RG_SCIENCE_CLOAKING_PSI" size = small icon = "GFX_ship_part_cloak_psi" icon_frame = 1 power = 0 modifier = { ship_cloaking_strength_add = 5 } triggered_ship_modifier = { potential = { is_cloaked = yes has_non_psionic_shields = yes } modifier = { ship_shield_reduction = 1 } } custom_tooltip = "CLOAKING_PSI_TOOLTIP" size_restriction = { RG_gray_juggernaut RG_graygoo_Buff RG_graygoo_icebreaker_interdictor RG_armed_science_ship RG_armed_constructor_ship RG_graygoo_capitalship RG_graygoo_mothership } prerequisites = { "tech_cloaking_psi" } component_set = "science_cloaking_components" ai_weight = { weight = 25 } }