pc_rg_grayhabitat = { habitat = yes entity = "grey_tempesttw_orbital_habitat_entity" entity_scale = @planet_standard_scale icon = GFX_planet_type_habitat enable_tilt = no fixed_entity_scale = yes place_entity_on_planet_plane = no entity_face_object = no #disable rotation towards sun or planet we orbit around atmosphere_color = hsv { 0.0 0.0 1.0 } atmosphere_intensity = 1.0 atmosphere_width = 0.5 show_city = no city_color_lut = "gfx/portraits/misc/colorcorrection_continental.dds" extra_orbit_size = 0 extra_planet_count = 0 chance_of_ring = 0.0 planet_size = 40 moon_size = 1 colonizable = yes district_set = machine_world # ideal = yes starting_planet = no orbit_lines = no has_colonization_influence_cost = no # applies when within own borders is_artificial_planet = yes default_planet_selection = yes modifier = { planet_colony_development_speed_mult = 2.0 # Habitats should be fast to colonize pop_environment_tolerance = 1 planet_structures_cost_mult = -2 planet_buildings_cost_mult = -2 planet_building_build_speed_mult = 10 planet_crime_add = -1000 pop_resettlement_cost_mult = 10 } carry_cap_per_free_district = @carry_cap_low }