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rg_machine_maid_trait:0 "§YPineapple Pie Network§!"
rg_machine_maid_trait_desc:0 "This mechanical body appears to be constructed from nanomachinery. They have only a limited amount of individual intelligence, but each seems to have their minds linked to each other to form a powerful network of consciousness. The greater the number of individuals, the stronger their consciousness becomes. "
RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray:0 "$rg_nanite_leader$"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray_desc:0 "$NAME_Gray$ is essentially an individual made up of thousands of nanomachines, which allows her to freely transform and reorganize or quickly repair herself."
RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray_1:0 "$rg_nanite_leader$"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray_1_desc:0 "$RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray_desc$"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray_2:0 "$rg_nanite_leader$"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray_2_desc:0 "$RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray_desc$"
RG_leader_trait_governor_gray:0 "$rg_nanite_leader$"
RG_leader_trait_governor_gray_desc:0 "$RG_leader_trait_admiral_gray_desc$"
RG_leader_trait_offical_gray:0 "$RG_leader_trait_governor_gray$"
RG_leader_trait_offical_gray_desc:0 "$RG_leader_trait_governor_gray_desc$"
RG_leader_trait_scientist_gray:0 "$rg_nanite_leader$"
RG_leader_trait_scientist_gray_desc:0 "$RG_leader_trait_governor_gray$"
RG_leader_trait_general_gray:0 "$rg_nanite_leader$"
RG_leader_trait_general_gray_desc:0 "$RG_leader_trait_governor_gray$"
RG_leader_trait_ruler_gray:0 "§YBorn to be chosen§!"
RG_leader_trait_ruler_gray_desc:0 "§G$NAME_Gray$ will increase power with Leader Level§! (§Y[owner.rg_gray_level]§!) §G Ascend and grow in strength. §!\n§RWhen the leader level is greater than 10, the nanomachine will be overclocked, and it will be additionally reduced£stability£stability。§!\n§!By granting $NAME_Gray$ more and more power and increasing resource tilt, nanobots are able to fine-tune the Empire's resource output. However, this unsustainable model of development does not come without costs."
RG_leader_trait_general_gray_skill:0 "§YIncoming Tempest§!"
RG_leader_trait_general_gray_skill_desc:0 "The gray storm swept through the L-Cluster for countless epochs."
RG_leader_trait_tempest_incoming_effect:0 "$ARMY_EFFECTS_TXT$:\n$t$For each enemy army killed:\n$tt$$MOD_ARMY_DAMAGE_MULT$: §G+5%§!\n$tt$$MOD_ARMY_HEALTH$: §G+5%§!\n$tt$§YChance of directly killing an enemy army§!: §G+1%§!\n$t$Current §YBUFF Stack§!:§Y[owner.rg_general_skill_combat_daypassed_variable]§!\n$t$The current §Y probability of directly killing an enemy army is: §Y[owner.rg_general_skill_combat_killed_variable]%§!"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_nanorebuild_gray:0 "§YGray Remodel§!"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_nanorebuild_gray_desc:0 "The gray storm swept through the L-Cluster for countless epochs."
RG_leader_trait_admiral_nanorebuild_effect:0 "$FLEET_EFFECTS_TXT$:\n$t$For each enemy ship destroyed:\n$tt$§YReshape Counter§!: §G+1§!\n$t$When the leader's fleet loses ships:\n$tt$Consume §YReshape Counter§!Instantly rebuild the ship.\n$t$Current §YReshape Counter§!: §Y[owner.rg_nanorebuild_counter]§!\n$t$§Y$NAME_Gray$§!Cannot be rebuilt by this ability.\n\n$RG_leader_trait_tempest_incoming_effect$"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_fake_dragon:0 "§YDragon's Soul§!"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_fake_dragon_desc:0 "Lost souls are not dragons, but they want to be dragons. You're a dragon too, so good. "
RG_leader_trait_admiral_timed_life:0 "§YTimed life§!"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_timed_life_desc:0 "\n§GSim Dragon's stats increase with age.\n$t$§YEach year of growth is offered§!:\n$tt$§G Additional Ship Weapon Damage +1%§!\n§G Additional Ship Armor Health +1%§!\n§G Additional Ship Hull Health +1%§!$t$\nCurrent Age:§!§R[owner.rg_fake_dragon_timedlife_counter]§!§G year§!\nShe is a simulated life born from an experiment. With every month that passed, she grew a year old. If the way to eternal life cannot be found, the fragile soul will return to its roots."
RG_leader_trait_admiral_born_tobe_dragon:0 "§YBorn Tobe Dragon§!"
RG_leader_trait_admiral_born_tobe_dragon_desc:0 "\n§GSim Dragon's stats increase with age.\n$t$§YEach year of growth is offered§!:\n$tt$§G Additional Ship Weapon Damage +1%§!\n§G Additional Ship Armor Health +1%§!\n§G Additional Ship Hull Health +1%§!$t$\nCurrent Age:§!§R[owner.rg_fake_dragon_timedlife_counter]§!§G year§!\nThe dragon has finally become what it was dreamed of. Legend has it that she opened her shell with one punch and transformed into a dragon."